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Reply to "Prospect Camps: Money or Recruiting?"

Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few camps that live up to their billing in every way. The full coaching staff is there, if they promise scouts and jucos, they are there, too., and the kids get good work and lots of positive feedback. The fact that some otherwise underpaid, overworked asst. coaches make some money in the process is a good thing, not a bad thing.

My problem is with the very misleading way in which quite a few programs market these so-called prospect camps. Very misleading letters, even the occaisional "we love you and gotta see you" emails to kids in whom they never have and never will have any real interest. The schools who rarely, if ever, sign a kid out of one of their camps, those whose recruiting guys don't even show their face at a camp, etc. - those give the rest [not to mention their own insitutions] a black eye.

Why mislead a gullible 16-17 yr old kid that way? What is to be gained? A little more truth in advertising, especially when dealing with a bunch of pretty impressionable kids, would be a nice thing for college baseball, not to mention the private promoters, which is a whole 'nother subject.