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Reply to "Question about Early Steal"

Doughnutman - In all honesty it is a very low percentage play for success. You have to really pick and choose when and who you run it against. It is one of the old "if it works, you are a genius but if it fails, you are a dumb***" play.

Some factors to consider are

1. What kind of firstbaseman is this guy - strong arm, pays attention, moves well

If he has at least one of those then it probably won't work

2. The timing of the runners has to be perfect

If the runner at 3B can get a walking lead and really bust it at the same time the runner at 1B takes off then you have a chance at success

3. Game situation

If I got a weak hitter up around the middle of the game but he plays super defense then I will probably try it in a close game. Then I can save a pinch hitter for later if he comes up again with runners on.

I will never run this play late in the game because it's too big of a risk. I have no idea how many times I have ran it in the past but it's not very many at all. We rarely work on it in practice too. Mainly we do it enough to have a pretty good clue if we do call it but it's a good drill in practice to keep your defense on their toes.