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Reply to "Question for powertoallfields-video"


I get a kick out of all of this terminology in hitting circles...actually thinking about it, it is the same in pitching but this is for another thread.

Anyway, it seems to me that hitting is at first linear in drive from the back side and load to the front side, with hands in a quiet position and loaded to fire with or just after the hips once foot plant is made, and then becomes rotational. I get a kick out of those who say it is “linear” or “rotational” when it seems to me to be both. To now add a new term and say that it is “rear foot” is probably confusing to many kids (and me). Actually if you look at the great hitters their rear foot is actually off the ground at contact, so why say it is “rear foot” when there is no rear foot involvement at contact?

As far a BH goes he is certainly a great player at 16, but it will be interesting to watch how he progresses against really top notch pitching. The extra hip load may give him problems against great pitching. Will be fun to watch.