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Reply to "Questions from a parent of a young player"


My recommendation is to simply ignore BobbleheadDoll. In fact, it may be best to just treat him as a troll. He is not a troll; I think he is quite sincere is his writings, but he frequently misunderstands what others have posted, doesn't express his own thoughts clearly, and sometimes (as he has done in this thread) allows disagreements and thoughts from a one thread to creep into another.

In particular, you needn't (and shouldn't in my opinion) concern yourself about his projection of some other parent's attitude onto your own.

Typically, posters here base their thoughts on their own experience, which for most of us in limited to one or two players. Yet there is a tendency to generalize our experience to all players. Perhaps the generalization is correct, but sometimes it is only really applicable to our own kids. Sometimes we attribute outcomes to particular causes, when in reality there was no causuality. So you need to apply some filtering in accepting any advice.

Speaking of advice, here is mine: Beginning pitchers or kids just learning to throw, regardless of age, should avoid icing or analgesics. Any pain is valuable feedback from the body that the throwing motion isn't appropriate for an individual player's muscular and skeletal structure.