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Reply to "Random Thought"

If a kid doesn't go "all in" for a Power 5 shot to fulfill his dream he's selling himself short?

It is a 1 in 200 shot for a college baseball player to make MLB.  It is 100% that they will need to support themselves. 

It is a worthy thing for any young man that has the self awareness to recognize he is a marginal (not a)  professional prospect.   If he then decides to prioritize his education and continues to play ball on the off chance he improves enough to become a legit prospect strikes me as a completely rationale approach to life.

It is unlikely he will end up at the end of some bar talking about the one time he went 2-4 against State U hit .167 in 50 college at bats before washing out as a Jr. and coming home to play slow pitch softball and work for the city Park & Rec cutting grass.  

They don't write songs about the millions of guys who take care of business but I am tired of listening to the legions of guys that never grew up and keep telling me how great they used to be.  
