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Reply to "Really, really dumb play"

by piaa: NFHS says when a defensive player lies and tells a runner
sometimes NFHS thinks too much, as this basicly could NOT happen on a passed ball ...

but COULD on a pick or block of a ball (WP) in the dirt where ya'd have the swing, the puff of dust w/sound of ball in dirt & then add the sound/action of the block/pick

the PU has his hands full in calling that one right & you're asked to also judge if a player 130 ft away can be caught in a fib Roll Eyes

so how do you determine if the defender is lieing or honestly mistaken Confused
if indeed it was a foul ball?
input from the swing, the batter's reaction & catcher's reaction?

your vision is effectivly blocked by the catcher ...
the sound of the ball fouled off the plastic bat end plug is much like the ball hitting the plate or shin guard
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