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@d-mac wrote, “also know that your HC will find out and he may or may not be happy about it.”

I can clear up any questions about that one. If your son is a major contributor to the team the HC WILL NOT be happy about it. He might even do something to prevent it from happening. It’s very rare that a player leaves a JuCo after one year without bridges being burned. JuCo HCs expect recruited players to be with them for 2 years. To them it’s part of the commitment they make when they extend a scholarship offer. So from their perspective any optics that make it seem like a player is trying to leave after one year really pisses them off. I’m talking about things like Dad trying to get the recruiting process started early - which would not be well received and could result in punitive actions towards the player. I will give you 2 real life examples that occurred with schools in Region 5. At a well known JuCo near the Red River a kid wasn’t happy with his lack of playing time and how he was treated. So he told his mom about it. Mom decided to call coaches at 4 year schools that had recruited her son to kick the tires. One of those coaches called the JuCo HC and told him about the call from mom. The kid was kicked off the team bus (and off the team) the next day - in front of all his teammates This happened a few years ago. But a few weeks ago a HS kid that I coach (and helped place) at a top Texas JuCo almost got in hot water with his soon to be JuCo HC over this unlikely series of events. The kids family moved to a different (better) school district and this kid found himself at a new HS for his senior year. Coincidentally this HS got a new baseball HC over the summer as well. New baseball coach sees kid I coach for the first time and tries to play hero. Calls the RC at a low level D1 and promotes this kid even though it’s widely known what JuCo the kid has committed to. Seems somewhat innocent to most parents. But to most coaches it’s not an innocent move at all - it’s tampering with a committed recruit. What HS coach didn’t know was the D1 RC he called was a former player at the same JuCo in question. Former player calls his old JuCo coach and says you aren’t gonna believe the call I just got. JuCo HC got pissed and I got a phone call telling me that if Jack doesn’t want to be here we don’t need him. Took me an evening to clean up that mess and I still have a few words for the HS HC when our paths cross. The point boils down to this : Baseball at the college level is a small world and coaches talk to one another about almost everything. Anything that takes on the appearance of a JuCo player wanting to leave early (after one year) will be viewed negatively and could result in punitive action toward the player. JuCo players (and their parents) have to realize that their HC can HELP them more than anyone else. But he can also HURT them more than anyone else. Four year coaches call JuCo coaches all the time about players. Parents (and sometimes players) aren’t in the loop and don’t ever hear about it. So they think nothing is going on and want to shift back into HS recruiting mode. Don’t do it!!! Just because you aren’t up to speed on what’s happening doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.
