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Reply to "Recruiting Video"



Sounds like you can be coached. Great response from you regarding the posts above. If you listen to the folks on this site and work really hard, you will be way ahead of most.

Great advise from the posters above. My $0.02, go to Perfect Game USA and model your video like they do theirs. Most coaches only need to see a few swings, fielding,running and throwing. The goal should be, just enough to get a call/email and interest.

Show your GPA, SAT & ACT. Start taking these tests early, so if need be, you can take again to improve. Great grades & scores open doors. Always be in full uniform, can't tell how many times I've heard "looks good in a uniform".

Remember, the video doesn't get you a spot or scholarship! It gets you interest. You just want the RC's to want to see you live. Rarely did a RC ever ask for video for PO Jr, and when he was asked he used what was done at a PG USA event.

Focus more on becoming the best you can be on th field, in the class and your social media footprint. Good luck & keep us posted.
