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Right Call wrong time

While watching a regional game between Fulerton and Virginia the second base umpire made a call for interferance on a slide into second base.
Let me set the stage for you guys.
Bases loaded no outs ball hit to first baseman who turns and throws to shortstop coming across bag. As the runner slides in his right foot clearly comes off the ground to try and clip the shortstop.also he is not sliding directly at the bag.He also begins roll at the end of the slide.Outs were awarded at second and first for interferance.
Now my point.
The annoucer after getting the facts of the call agreed that it was the correct call but wrong time to call it.They basicly drug this umpire thru the mud for making it.
We as umpires dont have time to think of what making a call will do to the flow of the game and if we do then why have those kind of rules in place.
Sorry for rambleing just looking for thoughts on situations like this
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