quote:Originally posted by jjk:quote:I haven't see an ex-player that new squat about most rules and less about umpiring or mechanics.
For clarification: I know you mean, "no ex player that now announces games on a major network"..
I don't know what he meant, but I would believe a literal interpretation,
I have worked many games in which former MLB pitchers were coaches. Not one, not ONE believed a RHP could step and throw to first. They all swear a RHP has to step off if he doesn't utilize a jump turn or jab step move.
I've had former ML players, argue "the baseline belongs to the runner" and "he gets one plus one."
Granted, this is all just my experience, and no doubt there are some former players somewhere who have an inkling about the rules. I just haven't come across any of them in person or in the media.
One, who has become a friend, shares my opinion that forme major leaguers know squat about the rule. His explanation, "that was the manager's job."