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Reply to "Robot umpires coming to AAA in 2022"

If you haven't been in their shoes....   At U10 it's typically parabola ball with batters that are not 6' tall. If your umpire is 6' tall, then unless he's sitting down it's a challenge to call. Most of those games are called by "newer umpires", so yeah wysiwyg. I'm sure there's some "encouragement" to keep games moving and just call strikes to keep batters swinging (which they generally don't at that age).  Beyond that - after a playoff game last year my son sent a text of some statcast picture showing the s/b call percentages with misses being highlighted on the screen capture - suffice to say the umpire didn't hit even 90%, some really bad. At that level - one would hope they pick based on accuracy, but even there (like LL) tenure is a factor. I could make generalizations to other areas of life where we seem to choose based on who's turn it is next or who's been there the longest, but that's a rat hole discussion.
