Pardon a dad posting here, but please accept my family's sympathies and prayers.
I lost a cousin and HS classmate in Somalia in 1993. We both have sons who plays sports, the only difference is Gary never got to see his son play. To this day, every single time the National Anthem is played before a sporting event that my son is in I think of Gary and how he never got the chance to watch his son grow up. Most people know who he is and what he did from the movie and book "Black Hawk Down".
I have a picture that I look at often that puts everything in perspective when im feeling down, it is a picture of his wife, son & daughter accepting the Congressional Medal Of Honor for him. You look at that and know what he did, and your own problems of the day are not such a big deal after all.
No matter how one feels about the politics of these situations, we must never forget that we have what we have in this great country because of people like Ignacio & Gary. They were willing to sacrifice their lives to make thia world better for the rest of us.
Again, to you, your son and Ignacio's family, our prayers & sympathies.