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Reply to "Scandal Rocks Penn State"

He has to be held to a higher standard. Even though we can argue if he should be or not all day long. IMO he has to be. He put his head in the sand. He ignored it and allowed Sandusky to hang around. To continue to do what he was doing by not acting in a manner that would for sure cause an investigation. Once he took it up the chain and he still saw this guy hanging around and running this foundation what did he think? Why didn't he himself do the right thing? You know do the right thing and protect those kids and any other kid that might fall victim. By doing nothing he did something. He allowed this animal to continue to do what he was doing.

If it was his son that was in the shower with Sandusky would he have acted the same way? Would he have just taken up the chain and left it in their hands? NO. No way. Then what does that say? He should have been fired. And everyone that had any knowledge and did not act should be fired. I wonder if these students will riot if Sandusky is given a light sentence or somehow beats this rap? The outrage should be that because they put their head in the sand and tried to cover this up someone's child was abused. These students are pathetic imo. PSU is not coming out of this anytime soon. This is going to haunt the Univ and football program for a long time.

And to be honest I am not worried about the football game Saturday. The football players were not sexually abused and it was not a family member of theirs. They will be fine. And after all that is just a game. There are other things more important. At least to me.