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Reply to "Scared of Blocking???"


Glad to hear you're truthful. Now, lets work on the attitude. Baseball shouldn't be played with your mouth, away from the field. Get a little class, cut out the smack-talk, and work on your game.

This website is a great resource for learning, sharing, and growing in the game of baseball. It's not a place for put-downs or haughty self-agrandizing. I would like to encourage you to read. Spend some time in the wealth of knowledge that is archived in this site. Some truly amazing people who have already forgotten more than I could ever hope to learn about the game, or recruiting, or going pro, or (insert topic here) have posted a lot of knowledge that you, and all others with aspirations in the game can benefit from.

If that sounds good to you, then stick around. I look forward to learning from you as well, but I dare say that noone here is interested in the boorish, sophomoric calling-out attitude you presented in your first post. How about starting over?