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Reply to "Senior Season is Over"

lafmom - Thanks for the kind words.
RHPMom - The doctor visit went well. I thought this guy was the most thorough we've been to so far. He seemed to look at the whole picture not just the back or not just the hips. He ordered blood tests because my son has lost weight. And he ordered an EMG. Thats a test, from what I understand, that measures nerve and muscle function. One thing that my son loved hearing is that he can start doing some physical activity as long as it doesn't hurt. So that was some good news. All of the tests that he ordered can't be done until we get some insurance issues worked out. But they will get done, just not as quick as I would like. It was nice that this was a sports medicine doctor. Plus he played college baseball and understands a kids desire to get back to the game. All in all it was a good visit. We didn't learn too much more than we already knew but maybe some of the tests can point to some answers.