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Reply to "Senior year devastation-UPDATE"


I'm not sure about why he chose D1 path unless its just a matter of girlfriend goes there and, "D1-look at me",

I feel his best asset is baseball, academics will be a struggle with 200+ in a lecture hall. JUCO with smaller class sizes would absolutely be in his best interest.

I would have hoped he would use his baseball talents to at least partially pay for his continued education...

He has a pretty good relationship/ties with some in-state JUCOS who could possibly guarantee a red-shirt year and give him the opportunity to workout and train with the ball team. If he has to train/workout alone- it could be very easy to lose focus and lose the drive to return.

Its very difficult to stand back and possibly watch your kid fail athletically, financially and most importantly academically.

He is dead-set on going to this local D...
