I don't think that ANYONE ever questioned character or giving up total commitment or Bolt being portrayed as a villan, those statements are UNFAIR. Let's not get what's really important confused here, that's the point. We all know it takes a special person to be accepted into the service academies.
My reply was about JWeaver's comments. Baseball is a great game, and getting drafted is wonderful and cool but not a great honor. Serving your country is a great honor not playing baseball. In reality it is a job, just like serving your country is a job. One job certainly has a lot more appeal than the other, but one is a lot more important than the other, that's where some people have this issue confused. IMO.
Whatever the decision that will be made by his superiors will be in his best interest. But to suggest it is more important for him to play baseball now, well some may not agree and do not have to agree with that statement. As I said no one has ever questioned his character.
Let's bring our troops home so they can watch a baseball game while sitting in the stands. That would certainly boost morale.