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Reply to "Service Academy Draftee"

No, there are not options to personel for singing. Why would there be? The service cannot use this to their advantage the same way.

Seriously????? With the unprecedented and unparallelled prestige and influence that BOTH athletes AND performing artists REALLY do not think if someone in the vein of a "Kenny Chesney" was an academy cadet and given an "alternate assignment" to develop his talents and appeal that it could not be used to the military's advantage????? Do you have teenaged kids?

Hey, if the military is going to use ATHLETES to their advantage in the PR department for "morale and honor" (according to EH)....then they sure as heck are missing out on a gold pile by overlooking performing artists. Who do the majority of our youth look up to and revere? Athletes and performing artists.

IMO..not so ludicrous.

But thank you for your explanation. I do not agree with it at all...personally, I see it as a rationalization for preferential treatment and another example of how the value of professional sports is overemphasized by our society, I know you will never see it that way. But I accept your viewpoint without ridicule or put downs. Thank goodness we live in America where differing viewpoints can be accomodated...thanks in large part to our military.