quote:Originally posted by J.Weaver #5:
I'd say being drafted counts as a special circumstance.![]()
This was the second post in the topic. I did not agree with it, being drafted is not a special circumstance for anything.
It was this post that sparked the flame.
EH was the first to bring up the name of the player.
Luvbb responded to a statment by EH that playing baseball could do more for morale and honor than being an officer. I think that is where things began to unfold.
CD posted something about implied indignations, even after someone apologized about passing judgements.
Questions were asked about policy, with unclear explanation by an ex military dad that became frustrationg by many, we were told either to stand by these players or go to h*ll.
Bulldog probably answered any questions asked pretty easily for some to understand. Pretty sharp for a "kid" first week at school.
Now I read the thread and it is coming back full circle. Now people asking the same questions that were brought up pages back, that some were chastised for brining up.
PG makes a statment about some things being more important in life than baseball. For many of us,
This was the whole idea from the beginning.
I am now going to make a bold statement which most likely will be taken the wrong way, but in defense of those that do have some questions about this and have been chastised for posting, this bother me. And sometimes like many of us, I often speak without
thought, but I thought about this.
My son was drafted this year and so were a lot of our kids. I know how that players dad and folks must have felt, it was posted quite a while back regarding experiences (one of the reasons I started minor league reporting thread) and continued the discussion in General Items. Now there is nothing wrong with that, but IMO, if it were my son, considering the circumstances, I would not have posted links to any article regarding the situation because of the sensitve nature and the circumstances. I would have just told about the great experience he was having, that would be it, no one really needed to know what was happening behind the scenes. Those that inquired could have been repsonded to in a private pm. Once that was done, there were some people, who really didn't feel comfortable but stayed out of the discussion. I think that does, despite what some may think, show respect we give to our parents and their players. Some of you most likely say, why is she opening her mouth, but that is how I see it, and I do apologize for hurting anyone's feelings, this is not meant to be mean, but just an example of how things on a messageboard can get out of control. Even when teh original post was in another thread. We all, everyone, need to think twice when we post, post anything (as I most likely should now). I admit I really goof up on that often.
Orlando did offer an opportunity to let others know details were posted on another thread, but then the baseball being special circumstances came up and the rest is history. No one ever called the young man dishonorable. If that was implied, it was not done on purpose. And I think that implying that it was implied only got others a bit more upset.
I have heard from 3 people that when being recruited by the service academies, baseball after graduation was not much of an option. I think that this is a very good discussion for those that have encountered the situation. If pro baseball career is what you seek, then maybe this is not the right path.
No one stated anything about the player not fulfilling commitments, we all understand it was being postponed. That was also brought up in another topic.
CD has made a great point, if joining the thread, go back and read carefully from the beginning.
There is no reason this post should be locked up. This is about baseball. If someone feels uncomfortable, don't read it.
I do agree with ssm, we all know that the military is known for all teh red tape, but that was NOT what sparked teh discussion.
Baseball being more important than other things was.