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Reply to "Several college coaches comment in this article"

RJM posted:
ABSORBER posted:
collegebaseballrecruitingguide posted:

Has anyone given any thought to the fact that in the past 2 weeks 10M people filed for unemployment benefits, the timeline for this virus to allow for gathering of crowds or teams is being expanded because we can’t seem to understand that we all need to shelter in place at the same time? The longer this whole thing drags out, the more parents are going to be impacted financially. Who is going to pay for college when investments are down a metric ton, unemployment at record levels, and the end is a long way out? 

a lot of kids aren’t going to be able to afford to go to college, period.

Everyone sheltering in place at the same time is what drags this out; that's its purpose. The virus is not going away; that ship has sailed around the world. If you aren't infected while sheltering in place you will still be susceptible to being infected in the future. So when do you lift the shelter in place? When everyone is inoculated? What will the unemployment numbers look like then?

There is a concern in a couple more months unemployment could be at 30%. That’s worse than the Depression. The world can’t afford not to go back to work in a month or two. Poverty also causes death. 40% of Americans can’t handle a $1,000 surprise bill without using a credit card. How long will these people last? I looked up each state’s unemployment payments last night. It doesn’t pay the bills. It only blunts the pain.

Bill Gates did an interesting TED Talks on we’re not ready in 2015. Without knowing about COVID-19 he explains why it’s much worse than Ebola in terms of spreading.

Gates makes an important point Trump has been vilified for by the media. In addition to the lives lost trillions of dollars could be lost. Poverty also causes death.

Did you know 760,000 passengers flew from China to the US from December to February?

My point exactly. You cannot allow the "cure" to be worse than the "problem". My point is that it is foolish to think if everyone stays 100% isolated this thing will go away. It will not. You are just delaying the inevitable. I certainly understand "flattening the curve" but I disagree 100% with "flatlining the curve." Because then you are exactly right where you started and achieved nothing except destroying the economy, and along with it, people's lives. Of course at this point, in several states, it is impossible to flatline and that's probably a good thing. as they will be "ahead of the curve."
