pabaseballdad posted:piaa_ump posted:I have seen shaved and rolled bats and to the naked eye they do not seem to show any outward appearance of being altered. I would not have known they were altered except for the fact that I was told beforehand.
I have been fortunate enough to work the PONY World Series where the tourney staff requires each team to present each bat to be used in the WS to be weighed. Each bat is weighed and compared against a chart of verified weights by model and manufacturer.
If it is found to be underweight it is banned from the field. If it passes weight requirements, a small sticker is affixed to the bat just above the handle. Any player that uses a bat without the sticker is out and ejected.
Problem with your solution here is that some of these "companies" are machining out the ring within the bat that reduces the coefficient of restitution, then adding weight to the bat in a different area- so the end result is that the bat weighs the same. So your process probably wouldn't pick it up. Essentially they are turning a bbcor bat into one of the pre bbcor standard bats.
I know the weights approved are down to the critical fractions, so they would have to be highly precise in matching the weight. Also I believe the examination includes weighing on a common balance point.