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Reply to "Short to zone...Long through zone"

Linear has hit the nail on the head with the bend>

Allow the Shep to explain why he thinks so.

With the bend> The strongest muscles in your body are activated and take over in the rotational process of the unlocking mechanisms of the swing. Is that simple enough???

The muscles that tense up as mentioned by Tom are more than just the back of the legs....also should include glutous muscles, abs, lats, and thighs.

Tom mentioned something yesterday that got my attention refering to the "timing" as in location of inside and outside pitches and front leg getting firmer quicker. That was very good point Tom. AB mentioned something also that got my attention about Hank's body taking over in what it's been trained to do after pitch recognition. In those two clips of Hank Aaron posted the other day by BBscout, it is evident that both of these videoanaylsis conclusions by Tom and AB are right on the money.

Shep Wink
Last edited by Shepster