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Shoulder Pain (SLAP Tear)

I am a 2015 LHP and just looking to get some thoughts on a labrum (SLAP) tear. Whenever I have had soreness, it has always been in my shoulder, but nothing severe. However, until 2 days ago, my arm had been feeling great. Now I have a pinching feeling in the joint and the back muscles of the shoulder are sore (which is usually where I get sore). I am guessing this is because when I do not pitch, the rest of the week I play CF, so I do not give my arm much rest.  I tend to worry about this kind of stuff, so while researching it, the symptoms lead me to a SLAP tear. The trainer thinks it is just a strain of the shoulder but I also know labrum tears are hard to detect. Also, in case it helps, last fall I sat 80-81 and so far this spring I sit 82-83, so there has been an increase in velocity since the offseason. I do not get a shooting pain or a sharp pain when throwing, it just gets sore and the pinching feeling comes the day after, but I have full range of motion. As part of my daily routine, I do my theraband workouts as well as the 2 lb dumbbell workouts. If there was a labrum tear, would it be obvious (i.e. velocity loss, control loss, decreased range, extreme pain while throwing)? With a labrum tear, does the pain stay constant or is it an aggrivated pain? It seems that it wouldve hurt me at the beginning of the season if it was a tear. Should I request an MRI from the doc or am I just stressing myself out?

I have already talked with my coaches and I will be resting my arm for the next few days.

Sorry for the length.

2019 LHP

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