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Reply to "So how's it going?"

I am very aware it is not an absolute statement but it is generally true.
How do they know their ability in regards to a freshman in the fall this early ?
Many of the leagues if you check have low inning players and a lot of RS freshmen.
My son was placed in a top league in his freshman year and turned it down. Placed in a top league the soph year and turned it down. He did so because he needed to earn some money over the summer. He also had a great team here to play for while he worked.
I don't think this should scare anyone. Yes there are some top guys who get placed on ability.
No it doesn't necesarily mean you will get low innings but should indicate you will not get cut. I can't see a coach placing a player that he is going to cut. RS possibly.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll