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Reply to "Sorry but I have to rant a little bit"

Wow, I wish you were the AD at our  The fact that you would even talk to someone other than a football or basketball player is amazing...let alone the fact that you seem to actually care about them! 


I guess my thought has 2 parts....first....I can't fault the girl for missing out on HS due to an injury received outside of HS. My thinking is, she could have got hurt in any number of just happened to be "showcase" cheerleading.  Kids do 100's of things during the course of the school year that could allow them to get son and his friends go snow-skiing...even after HS indoor baseball workouts have started. He also plays CYO (church league) basketball...which ends in mid-Feb.   Some of his friends ride 4-wheelers or dirt bikes during their HS sports seasons.   They could get hurt...and some of them have.  Our starting catcher broke his hand playing basketball a week before practice started and missed the first moth of the regular season.   I caution my son to take it easy when he's playing other sports...especially when he's close to the start of the season....knowing how he would feel if he gets hurt and misses playing time.  Yes, it would hurt his team...and he personally would be crushed...BUT...he's a kid...and kids don't always think of that kind of stuff.  He's thinking about going snow skiing...winning a basketball game or going to ride a 4-wheeler.  He's not thinking "man, if I get hurt, I'm missing baseball".  That's not how kids think.  It's not what I did when I was a kid and it's not what most of you probably did either.  Yes, it stinks that the girl got hurt...and will miss state...but it also would stink if she (or any other kid) felt like they had to sit home, on a couch, playing X-box because they didn't feel they could enjoy being a kid...because they might get hurt.   


Now the second part about her going to compete with her showcase team while she has a concussion. I think that's pretty easy to see that either her, her parents, the showcase team coach...or any combination of all of them maybe just aren't all that bright

