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Reply to "Sorry but I have to rant a little bit"

Great Post Coach2709, I really enjoyed reading it. It did make me late for a meeting this morning though .


Your post and PGs post really hit home for me.  My son is a Freshman who's HS coach is outstanding, but also very demanding of his time. We are still playing fall ball!


For Freshman year we agreed to commit completely to HS summer/fall program.   The HS coach basically said he needed to see where the incoming baby/freshman fit in with his team.  That made sense to us so we agreed and he has not missed a HS game or practice. Next summer he will play the travel team schedule with the big PG events etc....  I think we made a good choice.  He has solidified a starting 9 spot for Varsity (could change in spring I know, but looking solid)


As for the concussion aspect.  I place much of the blame on the parents and some on the coaches.  Last summer or two summers ago we played a team in the USSSA states and one of our players sliding properly at home plate kneed the catcher in the head. (Catcher had his face real low to the ground).  The other team flipped out, parents came on to the field screaming at our player.  Coach started screaming and yelling.  The boy needed to be carted off to the hospital. 


Why were they flipping out you ask?  When asked that question here was the response:


"He just recently had a concussion and we are concerned about the impact of a second one so soon"


I can not make this stuff up, are you kidding me????  You mean the fact that the kid could have been permanantly brain damaged was less important than winning states!!! 


Unfortunately this is the competitive environment we live in.  I am glad we have Coach2709 spreading the word about how stupid this really is.

