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Reply to "Sorry but I have to rant a little bit"

Thought I would give an update to this situation because I'm still pissed off over this.


So this girl in question got cleared from that concussion sometime in basketball season and was able to resume cheering for us.  Spring time rolls around and she makes the team again.  Goes to all our summer stuff and starts in the fall.


Sometime in the fall she gets another concussion at........wait for'll never guess where........yeah it was all star / travel cheer.  Once again we pulled her and said she would have to complete the protocols of the concussion awareness law just like last year.  During a football game I was on the track with one of our asst. principals and she came up and was talking to us.  She said she was still cheering for her all star / travel team.  In a nice way I lost my mind on her and the assistant principal tried to tell her the same thing.  One thing I didn't pull any punches on was how pathetic this coach was and what a POS they were.


Fast forward a couple of weeks I get a text from our cheer coach and this girl - who is a Junior this current school year - is not able to cheer probably ever again.  She has serious issues from the two concussions so close together and right now her neurologist is not sure if this is something she will recover from or not.  She is now on a 504 plan, she cannot be in bright light for very long and she is very limited in how much she can learn in class due to the headaches it creates.  She told me that one of her doctors said that if she got hit in the same spot again it probably would have killed her.  Luckily (if there is anything good from this) her doctors are the ones who wrote the Gfeller - Waller Law.  So they are the best in the business for this.  


She said she now understands why we did the things we did.  Unfortunately it's too late but I think the other girls now understand why we do what we do.  This spring when we do try outs and I have my concussion meeting I'm going to use this to help educate our cheerleaders.  I'm also going to tell them what coach did this and if they were smart to avoid this person at all costs.  
