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Reply to "South Florida Bandits"


Agree entirely.

A while back, I posted a comment on this thread that noted the number and performance of SFB teams at one tournament last year. A poster responded by asserting that the won-loss records of the teams are irrelevant, which I thought was employing wishful thinking to justify a big expense.

My question was basically, "How are you going to get coaches to want to see your games?" You had an answer for your pick-up team, and, knowing your reputation, I'm sure you charged your players less while working very hard to get to know them and find suitable opportunities for them.

I certainly was not disparaging East Cobb in any way. I think it's a wonderful event from both a competition and exposure point of view. However, parents have to know the set up, and they need a realistic plan for getting the value they seek from the experience.

I remain skeptical that paying top dollar for "exposure" and playing on a mediocre team of strangers is a good plan, though it undoubtedly has worked for some people. Some people do win the lottery, but that doesn't make lottery tickets a good investment.
Last edited by Swampboy