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Reply to "Southeastern District Games: March 15-20 (Week 1)"

Originally posted by Steinbrenner:
Originally posted by GF:
Taken from the online VA Pilot online – BB it states 3 hits, believe it or not.
Not hard to believe that your local paper contains that report. You did state that GF book credited the young man with a hit. Isn't it usually the winning team (GF) or home team (GF) which turns in the stats to a local paper?

As I understand it, it’s the Home team that is the official book. I was referring to BB’s comment “Obviously GF is mistaken” concerning the amount of hits. Again I want to emphize that I did not say it was or was not, just that I was told that it was recorded as a hit. I did not mean this to be such a big deal, but when I am called out unjustly, I feel I need to at least try to state the facts as I know it.