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Reply to "spring team scenario - need opinions"

I'm not sure what's meant by a "spring team."  The only team a 2016 should have in the spring is his high school team.  Assuming they haven't even had tryouts yet, I don't understand why he wouldn't be on that team, unless there has been a disciplinary or grades issue at school that has rendered him ineligible.


If it's the latter, then I think focusing on baseball right now is the least of your worries.  I would get his house in order first and then, and only then, turn your thoughts to baseball.


If that's not the issue at all, then my general suggestions are:


1.  If he's interested in a future in collegiate baseball, he needs to be playing this summer, either for the most highly reputed travel program that will have him, or for his American Legion program.  I prefer the former, but if you've exhausted all those options (hard to imagine given the sheer number of programs around these days), Legion ball does help sometimes -- especially if the only remaining alternative is not playing.


2.  By playing, I mean playing games on a team.  The term "showcasing" is used loosely sometimes, but to clarify, I would urge your son not to forgo playing for a team in favor of serially attending showcasing events as an individual.  That's a great way to spend a ton of money and actually make a negative impression.


3.  If your son can't find a spot on anyone's team, then perhaps it is time to come to grips with the notion that collegiate baseball is not in his future.  Another thread on this site recently posted the numbers demonstrating the low percentages of HS players who move on to any level of NCAA baseball, and it was 6.8%.  So bear in mind, that means 93.2% don't move on.  And if your son is out for the HS season, he's not even as close as the 93.2% are.
