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Reply to "Sticking it out"

As I read these great stories about overcoming adversity I am amazed at the HARD work and dedication these boys put in to try to be the best on the field (or certainly do their best). Baseball is a tough sport and those that succeed usually are the hardest workers. Some of the naturally talented players I have seen in our area don't continue to shine as they advance up the ladder unless they have an amazing work ethic. Talent only carries most players so far.

I was surprised to read on another message board I read (concerning college admissions and academics), that there was a thread about high school players using their athletics to get into a college and then choosing not to play their sport in college. Burn out was one reason cited. I find this interesting because I have never seen this (in my small area of the world) with baseball players. Hats off to our boys for all their hard work and dedication.