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Reply to "Students allowed to play at other schools."

I'm with zombywoof on this. You want to play sports, be in the band, participate in school plays, attend prom or walk through graduation then you need to be a student at this school. I understand taxes are paid by all to provide education but if you choose to not send your kid to a school then you forfeit the right for them to participate at activities at the school. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I've been teaching a long time and I have no doubt in my mind that some kids being home schooled are getting a better education than what I can provide but my experience is that every single kid, with the exception of one, who was homeschooled has no freaking clue as to what in the world is going on in terms of education when the decided to enroll at a high school. Please don't start telling me all the wonderful stories of what YOU did with your child at home - I believe you. I'm just saying that the every single kid that I've taught who had some sort of homeschooling was completely lost educationally when I got them except for one. In all my time teaching I've probably taught around 10 kids who were homeschooled.

A family is basically saying "Your school isn't good enough for my child so we won't be going there but it is good enough athletically". That is a slap in the face to the school and then the school has to bend over backwards to accomodate them for sports.

We talk about commitment and ownership but how does this accomplish it? It's - in my opinion - only going to create more self - centered kids.

This is going to be a terrible decision.