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Reply to "Suggestions for Freshman to make Varsity"

I've encouraged my son to talk to the manager (who previously was our JV manager and is in his first year as Varsity manager) and express his desire to be given an opportunity to compete for a varsity spot but he is a little shy when it comes to people in authority.

john314 - welcome!

My take is different from many here at the hsbbweb. I believe in letting his deeds do all the talking for him. Let the chips fall where they may while you relax and enjoy whatever comes down the pike Smile

Here are the things I would encourage him to communicate to the coach via his actions:

Be the first to arrive and last to leave

Be the guy who has the dirtiest uniform if applicable

Be the guy who does whatever team dirtywork is necessary like carrying equipment, shagging balls for teammates, or otherwise

Be the best teammate

Be the best leader on the team by always looking out for his teammates first

Be the hardest worker

Show the most improvement

Out-attitude the other guys

Only worry about things in his control. Coaches decisions are out of his control.

I think you get the idea. This list can go on and on and on. That is how I recommend communicating with the coach.