quote:Originally posted by CADad:
I was 16 as a freshman in college so I find it a bit hard to be sympathetic. He's going in with a bit of an age advantage and he seems talented for his age. He's probably going to have a very productive HS "career" and it won't matter one bit if he makes varsity as a freshman or not. It doesn't sound like the case here, but I've seen kids go backwards due to being brought up to varsity too soon. The coach seems to know what he can or can't do. Let him lobby for a spot on varsity with what he does on the field or in the gym and not by telling the coach he wants to be on varsity. It sounds to me like your son has the right attitude.
Guess what, those 15 Seniors will be gone next year.
I agree. If he is this good with that physical maturity advantage, he should have no problem making varsity next year when the seniors leave. That's a mighty small school to have 15 seniors on the varsity baseball team. Also, let him know that not having the courage to talk to the head coach can equate to not having courage on the mound. I'd make sure there is no question in their mind about how badly he wants it.
Sit back and enjoy. He has tons of advantages on his side and if he keeps his nose clean and works hard he'll do more than fine.