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Reply to "Suggestions for Freshman to make Varsity"

Man there are some great posts in this thread. Dad you have gotten some great advice from people that have been through all of this before and just want to help you. And I applaud you for seeking out advice and your desire to do the right thing for not only our son but for yourself.

I cant add a whole lot because the posts have been outstanding. I will leave you with only a couple of thoughts. Our children especially our baseball sons are influenced greatly by their baseball dads. Its because we have such a bond in something we both love. When it all becomes all about our son and not about the team watch out. Dont be surprised when it all becomes about them to them and they lose the team mentality.

I could post some personal stuff but I will save that for a few years down the road. But a player that finds joy in this game by sharing in the success of his team and not focusing everything on himself will be a much happier player. And a parent who can learn to focus more on the team and all the kids not just his own , will have many sons to pull for and enjoy. Good luck