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Reply to "Summer College Wood Bat Team Expense"

by regie: think receiving free room and board is a fair exchange

bbhddl: It is up to the host. If you put it like that as an exchange for playing it is a payment in the eyes of the NCAA. That is a form of getting paid to play BB.
I think regie meant figuatively, and was not speaking as an accountant

I have a few friends closely involved soo, a comment on something else above ..

summer league teams are NOT money makers for the owners ..
their operating budjets are significant, however that said ownership DOES recieve some benefits ..

1) the service they provide is highly regarded by repective college programs

2) their input is valued by college & pro sources

3) their team creates community pride along with regional/national publicity

4) they are a significant long term influence on local youth programs

5) they CAN attract alot of advertising

6) they are a magnet for good summer coaches & often a stepping stone to entry level college jobs

jmo, I'd think it shabby and taking advantage to pass along anything more than minimal fees to the college players that make their team possible yr in yr out

AND, I'd also suspect that a team saddling it players w/heavy fees was weakly organized and would be among the most likely to have big problems or fold
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