It seems today coaches spend a lot of time covering their rear when it comes to this subject. I know coaches who now have meetings to explain to the parents what is expected of their son and the do's and dont's. In my tenure i never had a meeting because I think it was understood. Players play coaches coach and parents did what parents do. However today it is so much different. sometimes I think that players feel they are entitled to things and if they dont get what they want mom and dad will get in the picture. Just the way it I guess coaches have to deal with it. As a high school player(way back) i would be embarrased if my father would call the coach to discuss playing time or where I was batting or whatever. there is a fine line on both sides. I think coaches should use common sense when dealing with things. In my tenure I always felt that being fair with every player no matter where he fit in on the team. I had a rule. If you missed practice and you did not let me know you did not play. My starting ss missed practice on a saturday we had a game on monday. he did not play. He knew why he did not play and so did everybody else. N0 problem. Now if you make the rule and then change it you are toast.
Be fair be consistent and chances are things will be ok. If you try to please everybody you are in for trouble.