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Reply to "Taking time off baseball after high school to work on my game?"



Is it fair to say you lack some confidence? Players do develop at different times.  Some early on, some in college.  Throwing 90 or better isn't something all pitchers reach at the same age.  The smaller colleges and Jucos have many 90 mph guys that threw mid 80s in high school.  They just developed later on by playing and learning.


I think what people here are telling you is you don't need to take years off in order to get better.  Most people get better by actually playing the game.  If I were you and baseball was that important, I would be looking for colleges that have a track record of developing pitchers.




I find myself usually agreeing with your opinions. However, one small thing... NAIA is not necessarily a step down from DII or DIII. In fact, there are some NAIA teams that would be middle of the pack or better in DI. And yes, some NAIA schools would be a step down. Also some of the better scholarship deals are offered at NAIA schools. Just wanted to clear that up because it seems people sometimes look down their nose at the NAIA. The last NAIA team I coached had a roster that included two future MLB pitchers, An outfielder that made it to AAA, a catcher and a shortstop that signed pro contracts and none of those guys was our best pitcher or player. At the time there were three DI colleges in our state, none of which could even come close in talent.
