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Reply to "Talking to coaches at showcase"

At the appropriate time, you walk right up to the coach, look him in the eye, hold at your hand, and say "Hello Coach Smith, my name is Joe Player and I am a RHP from Oshkosh Wisconsin. I'm interested in your program at Mightbe U and I would love to learn more about your school and your team" Coach will take it from there. Be sure to ask him to watch your next showcase game. Be ready with your 60 time and SAT scores but don't offer them until asked. Be confident, after the first one it gets easy. Too easy, actually. I've seen kids miss there turn to go out in the field and coaches often are scrambling to get to their fields on time. My son will be working these camps for HF and one of his jobs is to make sure that coaches and kids are having their meetings, and that those meetings are at the appropriate times. You will love the experience! The kids grow up right in front of you and the coaches love the interaction. HF staff will make sure that kids and coaches are interacting.