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Reply to "Tee heee giggle giggle...."

Ok, here is my man story of the day. Now you all know that I love stepdad of 2 catchers dearly, but alas, he is too a man.

We had decided to take the last remaining wallpaper in our home down from the downstairs bathroom and just paint the room for a quick update. nice, easy, cheap, quick.... Unfortunately after we had taken down the paper, we knew why the previous owners had put it up. They had put the wallpaper over some sort of wallboard type paneling with an ugly design on it. So, we decided to just replace the wallpaper and be done with it. (a $25 project just became a $100 project). As we looked around the room, it became apparent that the ceiling needed some trim to connect the wallboard with the ceiling (another $50 ish).

Then, last night I had a meeting to go to and when I came home, he looked at me rather sheepishly and said, "the shower fell out" and kinda gave me the same look my kids do when they are trying not to tell me what they did. I look, and there where the shower used to be were wall studs and a hole in the floor. I'm guessing that when he was removing the caulk, he was possessed by demons who made him rip the shower stall to pieces. Now, granted, the shower was functional but not the sharpest item in our home. But, our simple little paint job has turned into a project which I am hopeful will not cost over $1500 if he does all of the labor himself.

Oh, did I mention the new circular saw he had to have for this project too? He decided that the door to the bathroom needed to be replaced now also and the opening is about an inch shorter than standard doors so he had to have the saw to cut the door. (we remodeled the rest of the basement a few years ago and he hadn't done the bathroom door yet.)

A former neighbor of mine firmly believed that every home project is just an excuse for a man to buy a new power tool. I think she is right.