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Reply to "The Backpedaling Dad"

Great post Francis, and I'm guessing many of us have walked in those shoes and many more will.  From my perspective, this is more about your relationship with your son(s).  Sure baseball was there in the beginning, but there are many more opportunities to develop that father/son relationship going forward as he gets older and takes up new interests.  All 3 of my boys still follow baseball, but they've moved on to new interests in their lives and they share that with my wife and I.  Baseball is no longer the 2nd most important thing in their lives (beyond school) and I think that is a great thing.  My wife and I have learned so many things (too many to list) from our kids as they've gravitated to their passions and interests.  At this point in our lives, my kids are teaching us new things.  Baseball was a foundation from which many things have been built.

