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Reply to "The Backpedaling Dad"

I was heavily involved with my kids playing before college. I coached my daughter (assistant) through 18u Gold softball. I coached my son (head coach) through 16u at age fifteen. It was then I sense resistance. I didn’t want to coach him the two years in 17u.

I did a lot of one on one work with them. But, I never pushed beyond asking if they were meeting their goals laying on the coach.

As each one went off to college I didn’t ask them about training when they were home unless it came up in conversation.

i was just with my kids for five days over Christmas. They live 320 miles away. They’re thirty-five (daughter) and thirty (son) now. Baseball never came up in conversation with my son. Softball only came up with my daughter as I asked her if she’s still friends with a certain travel teammate. She’s part of a legendary team story no one involved will ever forget (thought the porta potty urinal cake was soap and the urinal was a sink).

It will be interesting how the former college softball player versus former college lacrosse player (son-in-law) battle plays out with the kids. #1 was born two months ago. They’re both spring sports. It’s not my job to get in the middle. But, I can buy her first softball and put it in with the toys. Maybe a music playing softball to draw attention.

Last edited by RJM