I admit it, I've been a bit mysterious about the donation topic since taking over ownership of the site on June 1. Some members have asked me how they can donate, and for now I have preferred to point member donations toward the original founder and creator of the site, Bob. I'm not sure if anyone has chosen to donate there in the past two months, but his address and PayPal account are available on the Donations page. He put so much time and value into this site for seven years, that if members want to say "Thank you for all the help", I just still feel in my heart that Bob is the one they should be thanking.
When I took over this site, Bob suggested that I might wish to add a few advertisers to help with my expenses, and I am considering doing that, in an appropriate way.
But honestly, regarding member donations, I'm not ready to accept those right now. If you are thankful for this site and what it has done for your son - obviously the person we can all thank is Bob. Read through the other pages of this site, the articles, the interviews, the wealth of information. That's all Bob Howdeshell. I'm working hard to take care of this site, but at this early point in my "tenure", that's what I consider myself, a caretaker. This is still the house that Bob built.