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The Future of College

I know this has been debated in almost every thread but I just read an awesome article by Professor Galloway, NYU.   I love the way he thinks about business.  This is a good read, I pulled out two things that interested me but he talks about hundreds of colleges going out of business over time as big tech partners with big college brands.   The impact on sports would be obvious, fewer places to play. 

My two favorite comments (and there are plenty) the second is truth....;

At universities, we’re having constant meetings, and we’ve all adopted this narrative of “This is unprecedented, and we’re in this together,” which is Latin for “We’re not lowering our prices, bitches.” 

I personally worry about how a little shit like me will experience what I did at UCLA. I tested my limits freshman year. I drank too much and threw up too often. I joined crew and pushed myself harder physically than I ever imagined possible. I fell in love for the first time. I gained resilience when I had my heart broken. I met people from different economic backgrounds who gave me a sense of empathy. All of those things would have happened, but unfortunately they wouldn’t have happened in such a gentle and joyous and safe environment had I not been on campus.

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