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Reply to "The politics of baseball"

Dont know this particular situation so like all threads on here you dont always have all the info or all the correct info. I do know there are bad coaches, politics and everything else in baseball. But it seems that a lot of posts on these sites always say its politics when certain kids are cut.
I just really have a hard time believeing a good coach would cut a really good player.Im sure it happens.
When parents posts that there kids run 9.0 60 yard dash but think its politics, , that is slow and slow for HS. my son has several kids on his team that can beat out infield grounders and bunts for base hits .We all love our own kids, but sometimes we arent objective. We think our kid is better than so and so because so and so was 0-10. SOmetimes I think you have to be at practice day in and day out to see what the coaches are seeing.
All I know is take every weakness your kid has, or ask a coach for his weaknesses and then work your tail off to overcome those weaknesses.
If he is slow, and out of shape, get him with a trainer,if his arm is weak do long toss and band work. if he doesnt have a lot of pop in bat get stronger. There is always something every player can do to get better. If a player does all he can to work on every weakness, and has the talent I think 9/10 times he is going to be recognized by a coach. Thats my opinion.