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Reply to "The role of the high school coach"

H.S was, lets say not fun for my son. Was a bench player all 4 years. The last 2 was predominantly the bullpen catcher. Had a total of 12 Varsity at bats in 2 years. Did start in every JV game and did well. Tried out for the H.S Summer teams and was cut each year. I had him play summer ball with local travel and Legion teams and did very well. Went to Omaha those three years and other local tournaments. As a Jr. started to receive calls from Div III schools that were interested in him coming there to play ball for them. To make a long story short My son is at a DIV III school and is being given a fresh start there. He is just extremely excited about playing the game that he loves at the next level. From the first time he met the Div III Coach he fell in love with him and the school. I can not wait for the season to start for him, I have never seen him so enthused about the season. But we as parents need to be involved in the process. I have coached my son since the age of 5, and I had an idea of were i thought he could play (which was Div III) so we targeted those schools to get them stats and game tape on. What we ran into was his Jr. year he did not have a varsity at bat and when the college coaches asked for his stats the did not get any from the H.S. Because they only kept the stats for the Varsity Games and nit the JV games. All I am saying is to Market you child and do not wait fro the Coach. From what I have experienced and seen is unless you are a can't miss you are on you own. Good luck to everyone on their endeavors. Now that my son is in college and playing baseball, I have to work on getting my younger son in to college to play football, He is a Freshman and I need to start the process now. If you are looking for good information on recruiting do a search for Jack Renkins, He really opened my eyes.