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From what I've seen, heard, and experienced it is a fact that the majority of parents are the least objective when it comes to the strike zone and many other areas of officiating. God forbid that an umpire call a pitch just above the belly button a strike on junior. I have seen fans absolutely wear an umpire out the entire game, and then tell him "good job" when it's over.

How are the umpires suppose to please you, when there are so many expectations, such as: it doesn't matter where as long as it's consistent; call it as defined in the book; I like to where it's evolved; if they aren't calling the high strike then they better call the one just below the knee a strike everytime, etc. How can anyone meet those expectations? It's like trying to understand/please a woman. EX: What do you want for your birthday? Oh, nothing. Yeah, right.

Throw in the fact that most catchers (not all) today don't have the strength to frame pitches. Sure they can frame the ones that would hit them in the chest, but what about the one where they set up on the inner third of the plate and the pitch is on the outer third? They can't hold it and they continue to drift out making it appear to be outside. The one pitch frame probably started about 15 years ago and it has ruined many catchers. While everyone knows that it's where the ball crosses the plate, it's just a fact that HOW the catcher receives it can affect the call.

Those that know baseball know that the strike zone is exactly what the umpire is calling that day. Every umpire will call a different strike zone on different days. That isn't what they strive to do, but it happens just like when you are having an off day. I have seen the best umpires just absolutely butcher games. Maybe his wife was raking him over the coals, maybe he has to burn a whole day of vacation because he got an assignment for a 9:00 a.m. game, maybe they got drilled the previous night. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.

If they are consistently bad, then the chapter needs to address it. The partner has a responsibility to let the chapter leaders know. Fix it.

Most people don't understand the philosophy of officiating, just like I don't understand the philosophy of officiating in the NBA. I can guarantee you one thing - if an umpire called everything "by the book" he would have to have a police escort off of the field.

I have watched countless games over the years, and there are two things that I know. #1 there are some really good umpires, some that are so-so, some that are learning, and some that are horrible and will never improve. #2 we need to respect the game, and that includes the umpires. They are taking time away from their family, taking time off of work, to provide an opportunity for the teams to have an official apply the rules. For what? $35-40 a game? I guarantee they ain't doing it for the money.

Going back to the pitches "just off the plate", what if the pitch is an inch off of the plate? Inch and a half? Two inches? Two and a half? Are you going to get out the surveying equipment and slide rule? Quick, what was it?!?!

Regarding SWAC, I believe I know who he is and if it is who I think, the chapter that he is in is a good one. They go a long way trying to make sure their guys are improving. That chapter was started by a good man.

This is what I see in SWAC as an official: relatively new to officiating higher level of ball (maybe a couple of years), a desire to do a good job, and the ability to not let the game get away from him. Strike zone.....guys better bring the bats. Tell me if I'm wrong.

You may or may not agree, but what I see and hear is what I see and hear. I have no horse in this race and haven't for many, many years. I guess I'm just getting crotchety in my old age, and it's a slow Friday night.

Start swinging.