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Reply to "The truest inexact science"

Always most important is the ability and makeup of the player.

Oddly enough those who take seriously the lists they compile, base everything on the ability of the player who they are ranking. We don't draw names out of a hat!

It isn't marketing at all. The only people who believe it's marketing are those who have kids who are not ranked where they think they should be or not ranked at all.

We have over two thirds of all the MLB Scouting Directors on our committee. Doesn't it make sense that they would look at these lists. They are the ones who know how accurate the list is. Those who do the lists want to be as accurate as possible, anyway we do.

I don't really think the lists are as important as some make them out to be. Anyway, I don't care how important they are... I only care about how honest and accurate they are. The lists are easy to check for accuracy,if someone wants to do the research.

Some act like we're stupid or something because we missed a player. Others write nasty comments about how we were wrong about so and so. We are wrong at times and so are the scouting departments. But we did have Scott Kazmir ranked number one and a team mate of his was drafted before him. Last year I got a nasty email saying we over rated a very tall RHP from New York when he wasn't drafted in the first round. The results came later when the Yankees signed him for a million and now he's already one of their top prospects.

Of course, the only list that truly counts is the organizations list. They have all the money! Being #1 on our list doesn't pay a whole lot! Then again most of those at the top of the list end up being wealthy because they are also on the most important list.

One thing I learned a long time ago... No sense fighting the system. It's better to learn and then work with the system. Then in small ways you might be able to make a few changes in the way people think.

Anyway, I hope all you folks that have sons that are draft eligible end up being very happy. Wouldn't it be great if that were only possible.

One last thing from someone who has been there and really knows (me)

There are GREAT scouts
There are GOOD scouts
There are AVERAGE scouts
There are POOR scouts
And there are TERRIBLE scouts

Why would anyone think it's any different... We all know that players are not all equally talented or hard working... Why would it be any different with scouts?

BTW... Good title... "The truest inexact science"... You won't get many arguements on that. even from scouts.