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They picked their own path

I borrowed this line from PT’s response to a post. This question relates to sports only and not academics …

Did your kids pick their own path athletically or did you nudge them in a certain direction?

My daughter played college softball. My son played college baseball. After the fact they both told me basketball was their favorite sport and still is as adults.

I coached them in basketball until high school. I’m an advocate of a cross between Nolan Richardson’s “40 minutes of hell”:and Paul Westhead’s “run and gun.” My kids and everyone who was in great shape loved it. They both played high school basketball.

After the fact I asked if they felt I pushed them towards baseball/softball.:They both laughed and responded, “Absolutely! Which sport did we get pushed towards elite travel?”

In my daughter’s case softball was her best sport. It was the first sport she excelled. My son’s best sport was soccer. He was recruited by one of top soccer programs in the country and the USODP a couple of times. He never loved soccer. Plus those programs wanted him to quit all other sports and the school team. He loved basketball and baseball. Baseball was his best sport of the two. However, after the fact he said had he been 6’7” he would have worked harder on his shot and placed the most emphasis on basketball.

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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