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Those "Old Gloves"

My daughter was getting her work in yesterday when I commented on how nice her glove is. She has a Nokona glove that is softer than a baby's butt. It is her first softball glove and we wanted to buy her the best glove we could afford. (When she started, she used my old gloves.) She asked about my gloves. My Gloves? Wow! Gloves are very personal. I started with a glove for lefthanders that was left out in the rain. I'm right handed but we couldn't afford a glove and I found that one. My brother and I saved our paper route money and bought each other a Spalding Carl Yastrzemski Model Glove. Cost $11. After a while, I saved up enough money to buy an "XPG3" Rawlings. Anyone remember them. Yup-Heart of the Hide. Now, that's when you knew you had a good glove. The "XPG3" soon became the Pro3. This was my HS Glove. I had that glove forever. It had holes in the pocket ... and attempting to turn a DP, I got my finger caught in one of those holes (ripped the glove up) and so I had to get a new glove. Opted for another Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12 inch with an H-Web. This was my college glove and the one I began playing softball with. My Daughter used this as her first glove although it was torn and tattered. When I started coaching, I bought that model glove again. It was called "death valley." Anything that went in didn't come out. When we won the state title in 1990, one of my players was using that glove. He made a diving catch to enable us to win. I gave that glove to him and he had it bronzed. Back to the old glove. I won an Easton Glove for being "All World" defensive player of a national tournament in Indianapolis. Nice glove but didn't use it. It didn't feel like the Rawlings. Guess I'm set in my ways. I gave it to a senior baseball player who had earned my respect. I bought another Rawlings. It is now on it's last leg. I'm getting kind of excited. I think I'm going to get a new glove this year.

Any Glove Stories out there?

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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